Certificate Lifecycle Management
In a modern context of numerous portable devices including smart phones, tablets, and almost any other associated device, such as smart cars, it has become important to implement means to secure them against the malicious act of malicious third parties. In so doing, the usage of digital certificates is a helpful way of ensuring that the identity and authenticity of such devices in an organization is protected. In the event that a system is compromised, it will not be able to serve the purpose intended, hence, exposing the company's data to possible attack and manipulation by external sources. In addition, by employing these digital certificates, it makes it possible for the organization's associates to verify the content of the site without necessarily downloading it over the Internet, which can effectively minimize the risk of exposing company data or assets to possible attack.
Managing digital certificates can also be done with minimal cost and time investment. It can be done through the manual process of checking, modifying, and approving certificates. However, the automated processes of issuing and approving digital certificates are less expensive and faster than the manual processes. These automated processes make it possible for you to establish policies and procedures for approving and verifying digital certificates quickly and efficiently.
Managing digital certificates also requires knowledge of various software programs that can be used for managing digital certificates. The use of spreadsheets is often used to maintain the records of various organizations' digital certificates. A spread sheet is a functional tool that allows users to keep track of multiple-certificates that are related to a single issuer, a group of issuers, or different sites. By utilizing spreadsheets, it becomes easier for employees and managers to verify the authenticity and validity of a digital certificate more quickly and efficiently.
There are several advantages of using spreadsheets in managing SSL certificate management. First, these sheets provide an easy reference for all users. Employees will find it easier to perform necessary functions such as verifying the expiration of a certificate and renewal of a certificate if they refer to a specific sheet. Since there are several types of certificates, one can access a specific sheet for a particular type of issuer. This makes the process of knowing the proper expiration date and renewal date much easier.
Managing digital certificates can also be done by using IET initiatives. This includes the IET core application and the Enterprise Portal. The IET initiative is a project of the National Institute for Standards and Assessments (NISA) that was designed to help businesses ensure the quality and security of their web applications. By utilizing the IET core application, an individual or a group of organizations can assess and monitor the integrity and safety of their websites. By accessing the Enterprise Portal, an individual can easily manage the lifecycle of their certificates and determine when they expire. This makes the management of the certificates very efficient and straightforward.
It is important that enterprises know how long certificates are expected to last. The lifecycle of a certificate could span from discovery to disposal. If an organization does not have an established lifecycle management process, then it might end up spending a lot of resources on securing certificates only for short-term usage. Moreover, it can also lead to the discovery of security vulnerabilities that can pose a risk to organizations. The best way to deal with this is by establishing a certificate lifecycle management process.
The process involves two key stages: discovery and expiry. During the discovery stage, an organization identifies threats and decides on the course of action. At this stage, it also identifies which type of certificates need to be issued. Based on this information, an IET administrator determines the validity of each type of certificate and the corresponding expiry dates. Once the decision has been made on the validity of certificates, it is time to implement solutions that will facilitate certificate lifecycle management.
Two solutions are generally used to manage digital certificates. One is the mechanism that uses a group of administrators to control the distribution of X.509 certificates and the other one is a system that relies on controlled access to the Internet to provide access to digital certificates. A centralized data storage and deployment mechanism is designed that controls the distribution of X.509 certificates. Another important component of this system is a distribution management system that offers solutions to all aspects of certificate distribution. startup facilitates the certificate lifecycle and minimizes distribution costs. This also reduces maintenance costs and makes the system more robust.